Wanderings and ponderings

One Muslim woman's reflections on her journey through the world

Living for a day (or two)

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I watched a few episodes of the new Thundercats, having been a fan of the old series when I was younger [BTW,FYI, never think shows are as good as they are when you were older as when you were younger]  I didn’t enjoy it, but one episode really struck a chord with me.  It involved these beings named Petalars, thus named because they looked like flowers.  Their life span was literally a day in our time; for them it was a full lifetime. It reminded me of when Allah will ask people on the Day of Judgment how long they think they spent on Earth.

(Chapter 23): He (Allah) will say (to unbelievers), “How long did you stay on the earth by number of years?” (112) They will say, “We stayed for a day or for a part of a day. So, ask those (angels) who have (exact) calculation.” (113)

There is also this verse: “The Day on which they will see it (the Judgement Day or hell)-they will remember this world and they will say we did not stay except an afternoon or a morning.” Surah An-Nazi’at, verse 46.

Indeed, I can understand that. Sometimes I look back at my 30+ years on Earth and wonder where it all went. Time moves so fast, years just seem to zip by.  I wonder how it feels to be the older generation, seeing us get married and having our own kids. I now understand the Aunties who would say “You got so big!” because I feel that way with my friends’ and cousins’ kids.

Anyway, I’ve linked a portion of the episode here. The entire episode is kinda good, but not great. This scene, however, is really good. It reminds us that life is a journey, not a destination. I especially like the words that the Petelar shares with Liono.  Who knew a cartoon could be so deep.
